How to open electric vehicle charging  station business

 Air pollution from  vehicles is increasing  so the use of petrol and diesel vehicles  as declining

and electric vehicles are increasing rapidly because of the air pollution caused by exhaust fumes

 from petrol and diesel vehicles and also due to the high consumption of  petrol and diesel their

 rates are increasing so today the electric vehicle trend is increasing very fast.

 so when the demand for electric vehicles is increasing it is obvious that charging stations will

 also be needed to charge them charging station business is a bright future business.

 further you can start the business of electric vehicle charging station at a very low cost market

 scope for electric vehicle charging business.

 The use of  electric vehicles is on the rise  in this way the demand for an electric vehicle charging

 station will also increase because with more electric vehicles people will have difficulty charging

 it also they need an electric car charging station to charge electric vehicles so if you want to start

 a business with low investment open a electric vehicle charging station business and it is a

 completely fast growing business.

 You will also be taught  in the training of electric charging stations you are given details about

 many things like mechanism solar powered electric vehicle charging station technology

 infrastructure business solar pv charging connectivity loads electricity tariff in this training you

 will be given complete details about this business.

 after this you can earn good money by opening a charging station investment for electric vehicle

charging station business if we talk about investing in an electric charging station it depends on

what kind of  charging station you want to open that is depending on whether you want to

 set up your own charging station or any company franchise also if you want to open an electric

 vehicle charging station by picking up a franchise the investment in it depends on how many

 charging machines are needed for the charging station .

 you will not need a big space for charging station business first you can charge two and three

 wheelers you can also charge the a car as well but you need big space for bus and truck if you

 want to start a station business then you can go to the option of small vehicles later you can

 increase it when the demand and business increases apart from these you can also start charging

 station business at wall mounted units in places like shopping malls public places government

 rules for electric vehicle charging station business. 

 if you want to open an electric vehicle charging station by picking up a company franchise you

 can apply online at that company's official website or if you want to open your own charging

station then you should contact the state electrical department and you can apply there further the

fast charging unit ccs should be of 50 kilowatts capacity the unit of a machine will also have to

 be installed of the same capacity apart from these the low charging unit will be type 2 ac which

 should have a capacity of 22 kilowatts a fast charging unit charges a car battery from 80 to 90

 percent in 40 minutes while the low unit takes 7 to 8 hours.

 important things for the electric vehicle charging station business there should be a proper place

 at the station for commuting and parking of electric vehicles a transformer should be installed at

 the charging station for safety if the station has the facility of fast charger then there is a danger

 of overheating which can also cause fire.

 so if you were thinking of starting your own business then this is a golden opportunity for you to

start this business we hope in this electric vehicle charging station business.